prolific rapper straight out of South-south. He is a Calabar born and
bread but of Akwa Ibom parents, Slomzy has always had passion for music as he grew up in a choir but was always involved in rap music and accapela on the streets which he mostly did for the fun of it, to entertain friends while he focused on his studies having lost his dad at a very young age. I can say he has been underground but has finally emerged to take his passion to another level.
He just released a single titled "Idomo" featuring Papa J (produced
by Gbrown, Calabar's most dreaded producer) which is accompanied with a lovely video from Calabar's finest cinematographer Stormblast media.

This song is the rave of the moment as it is going viral on mix on the
street and I can only say you all should expect more from Slomzy as he has promised to drop hits after hits and an album soon.
street and I can only say you all should expect more from Slomzy as he has promised to drop hits after hits and an album soon.
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