A Christian believer must possess characteristics that distinguish them from non believers.

If they was ever a time God is looking for men and women who will serve Him in spirit and in truth, it is now; men and women who love and obey Him; men and women who want nothing but God’s will in their lives; men and women who are consumed only for one thing – the glory of God, His will on earth and as it is in heaven. God does not want pretenders today or those playing Church.
“The fields are all white
And the reapers are few
We children are willing but what can we do
To work for our Lord in His harvest
Our hands are so small
And our words are so weak
We cannot lead others
How then shall we seek
To work for our Lord in His harvest
We'll work by our prayers
By the offerings we'll bring
By small self denials
The least little thing
May work for our Lord in His harvest
Until by and by
As the years pass at length
We too may be rapers
And go forth in strength
To work for our Lord in His harvest"
Rev. James lamb / www.historicalhymns.com
Can you hear the cry of agony, the pain, the hopelessness, the fear, the anger, the confusion all over the world today? There is fear pervading our world: fear of atomic bomb; fear of terrorism; poverty sweeping our world; financial crises; institutions are crumbling… God is looking for men and women who feel the heart beat of God to bring peace to our world; His heart beat for souls; those who understand His desire to forgive and heal the world; men and women of intergrity and honesty, not pretenders.
The Church is so weak: ministers and believers are dabbling into occults and secret societies; sexual misconducts; pursuing money instead of souls like the politician; believers lying and living in sin. Sunday after Sunday, they come back to Church and dance and nothing happens. They remain the same. Believers have no commitment to anything: not Bible study of prayer meeting or evangelism- the heart beat of God. This is why the Church is so powerless to heal or save anybody. As long as believers are living sinful life styles in secret or openly, they will never have the power of the anointing or the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
What are the qualities of a righteous man or woman? Who has the quality to represent God today in our turbulent and uncertain time that we live in? God is looking for men and women He will use today to save our world.
1. Set apart
One of the qualities God is looking for is people set apart for His glory. Those godly men and women set apart. What does it mean to be set apart? What does it mean to be godly? The Hebrew word for godly is en / sebomai which denotes to be devout- piety characterized by godly attitude; someone who does what is pleading to God; the fear or reverence to God. These kinds of believers are those God sets apart for His service and glory. In the Scriptures, things set apart are holy things – this is called sanctification. When a believer matures, the believer is set apart and sanctified for the master’s use.
What is sanctification?
The word sanctification means gadash in Hebrew – people or things set apart for the worship of God; of believers separated from evil things or ways. Sanctification is that process where the believer has matured, surrendered and is set apart for the work of God. In this turbulent time we live, God is looking for godly men and women set apart from evil ways and actions; one matured, sanctified, filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and anointed for the glory of God and His service.
These kinds of believers are not carried away by any kinds of winds and unsound doctrines of men; they are solid and deeply rooted in the Word of God; they do not live to compromise their faith or live to please men; nor do they live in secret sin. They love to share their faith, realizing this is the reason God chose them to serve in His kingdom. They live to glorify God and God alone. They are filled with the Holy Spirit and they sing only one song:
"Make me an instrument
An instrument of blessing
All for the glory of your name"
They live prayerful lives; they study the Word, waiting on the Lord to direct them. to souls perishing, so they can share their faith or be used to heal the sick and dying.
2. Obedience to God' will:
When you call, God will hear because the godly man or woman is listening and obedient. God is looking for men and women who wait on the Lord so they can hear when He speaks to them. In a country like ours – capitalist country, people care deeply and embedded in the worship of money. We wake up, we are driven by one desire – to make money. Even the Church runs after money more than politicians. You ask does the Church not need money to run its affairs? Yes, it does, but God has promised the believer never to forsake the believer. God is faithful to His Word,. If those blessed of God does not uphold the Church of God, God knows how to keep His Church. He said: "I will build my Church and the gates of hell willl not prevail against it." So if believers don’t give back what God gave them, Ood can raise stones for money to build His Church.
But the Church or believer cannot substitute money for listening or obedience to Him. If believers don’t know how to wait on the Lord and hear Him speak, how can they know the mind of God? How can God speak when the believer’s heart is in somethingelse? The believer has no time to pray, no time to read the Word – no time to listen to the God who called you to serve Him?
The love for money has ruined many Churches, pastors and believers and quenched their love for God. Sunday after Sunday, believers come to Church, dance and go back home, and nothing happens in the Church, nothing happens in our societies, nothing happens in our world. Our societies grow more dangerous and violent; people are not saved or healed. Does this trend disturb you as a believer, or you you don’t care as long you are making your money and God’s Church’s remains desolate. When the Church is weak, then the world will be full of confusion. The Church is the means where the world is saved. This is why our world is so turbulent because the church is in its weakest state.
What are the qualities of a righteous man or woman?
The one who listens and obeys God’s commands
If you listen, you must also obey.
Without obedience, the Christian believer is wasting his or her time.
Jesus said: "If you love me, keep my commandments."
3. Don't indulge in Sin:
You will never have power with God or men if you live in sin. You will never be anointed or filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, for holiness is power. God will never use you for His instrument, whether you are a bishop, pastor or ordinary believer. God hates sin- open or secret. Eventually, sin will deprive the believer of eternal life. Psalm 5:4&4 says:
"For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness, neither shalt evil dwell with thee. The foolish shalt not stand in thy sight; thou hatest all workers of iniquity. Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing. The Lord will abhor the bloody and deceitful man.
What are the qualities of a righteous man or woman? They avoid sin." Psalm 1: 1&2.
2 Timothy 2:19-21 says:
Nevertheless, the foundation of God standeth sure having this seal. The Lord knoweh them that are His. And let every man that nameth the name of the Lord depart from iniquity. But in every great house, they are vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and earth, and some of honor and some to dishonor. If a man therefore purge Himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified and prepared for the master’s work..The believer can only be used of God if he or she is cleansed, purged and sanctified.
Sin will deprive the believer from God’s presence and the believer will never serve the Lord in the anointing or the power of the Holy Spirit. So the Lord says to the believer today:
"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake His ways and the unrighteous man his thoughts. Let him return unto the Lord, and He will have mercty upon him, and to our God, He will abundantly pardon. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are than the earth, so are my ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55: 6-9.
4. Sacrifices of righteousness
What are the qualities of a righteous man or woman? What are sacrifices of righteousness?
Titus 2:14 says: "Who gave Himself for us that He might redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto Himself a peculiar people zealous unto good works."
We are not talking of people who think they are good and boast of their good deeds. Jesus says there is no one good, and by the deeds of the Law shall no man be justified before Him; for all have sinned." God is looking for men and women whose desire is only to do good works of faith; people very eager to please the Lord: everything they do is to glorify the Lord. In their innermost heart is to do good to everyone who comes ther way-black or white; they see people like God sees them:
*They share their faith
* They become a channel of healing and blessing to any suffering
* They share their food with the needy
* They give back to God what He gave them
They sing this song:
"I am yours Lord
Everything I am
Everything I have"
These kinds of believers know they have nothing. Everything they have belongs to God.. What are sacrifices of a righteous life? It is a life set apart, a peculiar life, cleansed, purged, and sanctified to produce good works of faith. James says "faith without works is dead." Show me your faith and I will show you my works.. Again, we are not talking about works that come from the one who is not born again, who says I am a good man or woman. A person who claims he or she knows the Lord should have works of righteousness. The Bible says "by their fruits ye shall know them." You can’t claim a child of God when you are committing adultery, living in fornication, stealing, cheating, etc. God can never use you. You are like the blind leading the blind. That is not the kind of righteous men and women God is looking for today. He will never use you until you cleanse and purge yourself of sin and wickedness.
5. Faith & trust in the Lord:
What are the qualities of a righteous man or woman? What kind of men and women is God looking for today? God is looking for men and women of great faith; men and women who understand the relevancy and the power of God’s Word, for faith is based on God’s Word. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God made flesh." God is looking for those who can trust Him no matter how hopeless a situation looks like; who understand at all times, God is still in control. The Psalmist said in 46:1-3
"God is my refuge ad strength, a very present help in trouble, therefore, will not we fear. Though the earth be removed, and the mountains be carried into the heart of the sea. Though the waters therefore roar and be troubled, Though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof." It does not matter the hopelessness of the situation, that God is still the God of impossibilities. God is looking for men and women of faith, though our world is so messed up, can still trust that God is able to change the situation.
"Without faith, it is impossible to please God." Heb. 11:6. "Faith comes from hearing and hearing God’s Word." Our fath is based on God’s Word. If you don’t study the Word or meditate on it, you will never cultivate faith, and you will never run a successful race. The enemy the devil will destroy you. Faith or trust in God’s Word is so crucial and relevant in running the Christian race. The believer’s number one enemy is the devil and the believer is warned: “Above all take the shield of faith wherein ye shall be able to quench the fiery darts of the wicked.” You use God’s Word to fight the enemy; you use God’s Word to unlock your blessing.
For example, if the Word of God says:
"Behold, I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the powers of the enemy, and nothing shall be any means hut you." Luke 10:19. You must know where this Word is, and believe what God your father is saying to you. When you do, you are exercising your faith. God honors faith immensely. How can God use you when you don’t trust His Word? The enemy will destroy you. The believer uses God’s Word to fight the devil or the forces of darkness arrayed against the believer.
Psalm 119:9 says: "Where withal shall a young man cleanse his ways, by taking heed according to thy Word. Thy Word have I hid in my heart so I may not sin against you." When you study God’s Word and hide it in your heart, in times of temptation, the Word will come back and reinforce you and keep you away from temptation.
Without faith, you can’t receive your blessings; you will not run a successful race; and the devil will defeat you; you will not be able to help others be saved or healed because you don’t know His Word and have not cultivated your faith. Jesus always rebuked His disciples: “Where is your faith.” Because He knew without faith, they would not achieve anything. This is one of the greatest weakness of the Church. You see believers who have no faith in God’s Word, don’t even read it; and no strong Bible study for believers. You see believers moving from one Church or the other seeking a place to satisfy their spiritual hunger.
What are the qualities of a righteous man or woman?
• Godly men and women set a part for God
• Men and women who hear Him and obey Him
• Men and women who hate sin
• Men and women who produce righteous sacrifice
• Men and women of great faith
Psalm 4:8 says:
"I will both lay me down and in peace and sleep, for thou O Lord makest me dwell in safety."
Psalm 37:37 says: "Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace."
These are the heritage of the qualities of righteous men and women. They enjoy peace, but there is no peace for the wicked who who broke God’s law, or the believer pretending to worship God. Ther is nothing greater than peace- not material opulence or riches, not fame or political connections or power can guarantee peace except in Jesus. The world will pay billions of dollars for peace, but it eludes them. Look at their pretence to mediate peace in Middle East. But God gives those who love and obey Him peace.
Let us listen to God when he is speaking to us. Let us seek to mature and glorify God. Maturity means the ability to forget the past- past mistakes, learn from your mistakes and move on. Confess your sin and ask the Lord to forgive you. Paul admonishes the believer in Philippians: 3:13-15:
Bretheren, I count not myself to have apprehended, but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching out unto those things which are before. I press toward the mark of for the prize of the high calling of God in Chrisr Jesus. Let us therefore as many as be perfect be thus minded, and if in any thingye be otherwise minded, God shall real even this unto you.
Paul is saying we have not reached the goal yet. Don’t give up, but strife to reach that goal the Lord called you. It is to mature and find your destiny in whatever capacity God wants to use you for His glory: God has gifts for His children. Some he has called to be teachers, prophets, miracle workers, evangelists. But if you don’t mature and are not sanctified, you will never know what ministry God has for you. May be God has ordained you to be a pastor. How can you know if you are not growing or maturing.
So move on and forget your mistakes or confess your sins and move on; learn from them. So if you want to rededicate your self, this is the time to do it. It is another opportunity God has given to you
"Keep me true Lord Jesus keep me true
Keep me true Lord jesus keep me true
There a race I must run
There a victory to be won
Give me power, every hour to be true"
Source: Rev. Uche Ikpa
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