President Buhari Vs Goodluck Jonathan's Mid Term Assessment Scores & Criteria

On the 30th of May 2013 on the challenge of then President Goodluck Jonathan' I presented a score card of where In my opinion I felt the then President had done well and the places he failed, four years on I am again presented with an opportunity to x ray a different administration this time the All progressive Congress whose stalwarts have challenged citizens to stone them if their mid-term score falls below par.

Just like I did with President Jonathan I will also score President Buhari based on critical benchmarks, but this time there will be a comparison between the two, here are the scores and why

Aviation 65%
Although the local airlines are almost in coma due to spare parts and forex scarcity, with a host of international airlines including Delta Airlines leaving the country due to medieval policies, the Buhari performed fairly well in the Aviation sector. The score of 65% was reached as a result of the following

1. Speed of upgrade of Kaduna Airport and repair of the Nnamdi Azikiwe international Airport Abuja and the professional manner in which passengers were handled and moved in- between cities.

2. Relative safety record in the sector and progress on rehabilitation especially the Abuja new terminal.

However, job losses, airlines folding ups, and the completion of the Daura helipad being the only other major project completed gave the president the 65% score

PMB 55%. GEJ 95%
Reason for GEJ's 95%
Rehabilitation and modernization of terminals ,New international and cargo Airports, improved services ,waivers, etc

Rail Transport 39%
Here the President should have done better because he could have built on the success of the previous administration, the president fared well with the painting and commissioning of the Abuja - Kaduna Speed rail constructed by President Jonathan. 
Apart from this the administration has struggled to find finance to fund its proposed coastal rail projects while the rehabilitated rail infrastructure inherited from the Jonathan Administration seems to be decaying under Buhari. Work has however progressed on the Abuja light rail project being constructed by the Chinese.

PMB 39%. GEJ 80%

GEJ rating was due to 
(Rehabilitation of rail lines, resumption of the Lagos - Kano service after 15 years , new air conditioned coaches and improved services at upgraded of stations, Kaduna -Abuja speed rail , Abuja light rail etc )
Image result for President Buhari and Jonathan
Water Transport 75%

Buhari did better than Jonathan here because some of the projects executed under GEJ especially the dredging are being redone and marine transport seem not to have improved despite the huge investment by Pres Yaradua. By expectation ships should have been moving cargo from Onitsha to Lokoja- Niger s[b][/b]tate but as at today the channels are still blocked.

The recent acquisitions of Ships and improvement in port operations by the NPA ensured PMB got better scores than GEJ here

PMB 75 %. GEJ 65%

Roads 25%

Here is one area that the current administration is doing terribly, most reads that were previously motorable have simply crumbled under this administration, road maintenance seem to have gone into oblivion.
With the exception of the Lagos - Ibadan expressway that was also under construction by GEJ our roads are in a complete sham , traveling with personal vehicles have become more expensive not because of fuel but largely due to what bad roads inflicts on vehicles.
The only "good" side to this problem is that spare parts dealers and mechanics are smiling.

PMB 25%. GEJ 65% 

GEJ score was due to:
Improved road network, less potholes on highways, SURE P intervention on East West Road , Benin -Ore , Kano- Maiduguri, Abuja- Lokoja, Loko- oweto Etc ,)

Agriculture 25%

When a country has an Agriculture minister that is aspiring to import grass from Brazil to feed cows when there is no food for humans in the land what you get is hunger and starvation .

Rice became untouchable to, many families in Nigeria because we banned the product when our local production could barely meet 25% of our total demand a fatal error!!!!!

Another major issue in the agricultural sector under Buhari was the blind eye he turned to the activities of his fellow Fulani herders who invade farms eat up crops and harvest and in most instances kill the farmers.Benue the food basket of the nation was the worst hit. 

Dr Akinkumi Adeshina pioneerd the rice revolution under GEJ, fertilizer -wallet, cocoa production and Hyde's and skin export Buhari should have built on that, but it never happened!

PMB 25% GEJ. 80 %

Power 35%. 
As Governor of Lagos, Fashola had thundered that providing power supply was not rocket science today it seems PMBs minister of power is providing more darkness than Nigerians can endure.
Under PMB the electricity bills were tripled yet Nigerians continue to pay for darkness despite the promise by the APC to provide 20,000 megawatts of electricity.

PMB 35.% GEJ. 39%

Reason for GEJ's 39
(Although good progress was made in the privatisation of GENCOS and DISCOS, low harvest of generated power, persistent outages ,load shedding, failure to meet prepaid meter targets, outrageous bills, nonchalant attitude of PHCN to customer needs , un maintained and overloaded transformers, continued to plague Nigerians)

Security 55%. 
Overall PMB feared better that GEJ here , the Sunday - Sunday bombing of churches under GEJ seem to have been disappeared under Buhari, many of the chibok girls are back although many still believed it was stage managed , suicide bombings seem to have been confined to Borno axis.
PMB would have scored much higher here but for the following reasons

1. Escalation of Kidnapping for Ransome and rise in robbery across Nigeria.

2. Terror being unleashed on citizens by Fulani herdsmen

PMB 55 % GEJ 50%

Foreign Investment 29%
Despite spending a chunk of the foreign reserve on foreign travels PMB score card on foreign investment is abysmal , to complicate matters Nigeria was not only displaced as the top destination for FDI in Africa it is no longer on the list of nations.
The nation recorded its lowest ever qrt inflow of 501.83 USD Million under PMB. 

A Forex regime that allows you to bring in money but bar you from taking your profit was the medieval policy that drove investor's from Nigeria.

The good news is that investors are gradually returning due to new policy changes effected

PMB 29% GEJ 80%

Ports operations 50 %
But for the executive orders issued last week nothing has changed at our port, the roads leading to the major ports had even deteriorated, the good news here is that corruption among customs officials has reduced, and transparency has been improved upon but ethnicity and religion seem to be the new yardsticks these days.

PMB 50%. GEJ% 50%

Healthcare 32%
Under PMB rats killed many Nigerian's. Many Lassa fever deaths could have been avoided if the right things were done on time like we did in the Ebola crisis. Meningitis that was contained for years became an unsurmountable hill for PMBs team, the quality of care Government hospitals is a story for another day.
Perhaps these conditions necessitated the policy Summersault that resulted in PMB seeking foreign treatment for his ear infection & his latter medical challenges.

PMB 32% GEJ 75%

GEJ score was due to ( less labour acrimony in the sector, improved service delivery especially in Maternal and Child Health , COMESS ,CONTIS, approval and payment ,strengthening of NHIS among others )

Labour 21%
2 years in office, 2 years promotion areas , including unpaid salaries across the country. Pensioner entitlements continued to be delayed among many other labour issues that stems mainly from nepotism in employment.

The government promised 3 million jobs annually but lost more than 4.5 million jobs in a single year.

Nothing explains this score better than the actions of the workers themselves who booed , pelted and walked out on the labour minister, Governors and other APC leaders at this year’s workers day ..

PMB. 21%. GEJ 75% 

GEJ score was due to (improved minimum wage workers& NYSC, pensions payments, centralised payroll systems among others)
Petroleum sector 40%
This score is as a result if the huge scarcity of petroleum products witnessed in the first of the two years of Buhari presidency despite the increase in pump price our refineries are still in coma and product importation still remain high.

The promise of 40 per liter during the campaign and the fake mathematical equation used to derive same by Tam David west has simply vanished leaving Nigerians with huge transport fares, a hole in the pocket due to power generator fuel consumption and bitter taste of change in the mouth.
Despite the Niger Delta sabotage Buhari has done fairly well to make products available and exploration in the chad & Benue basins have continued.

Buhari 40% GEJ 60%
GEJ score was due to (increasing the refining capacity to 10.2 million litres daily, stability in petrol price and supply,cleansing of the subsidy scheme and increased private sector investment participation)

Economic growth and stability 10%
The moment PMB segregated Nigerians into 5% and 95 % national stability was put on the line, and everyone knows that national stability and economic growth are conjoined twins.
The nation is currently in its worst recession with negative GDP growth, the naira is competing with Zimbabwean dollar for relevance, while factories continue to fold up due to lack of forex to buy spares and raw material.
Buhari met the naira 197 to the dollar his policies ensured that the naira was the world’s worst performing currency by 2017.
The inability of the president to see himself as the father of all increased instability and dampened growth, the complete lack of wisdom in the blind implementation of the TSA was the final nail in the coffin of the economy.

PMB 10%. GEJ 70%

GEJ s score was due to ( The growth in the economy placing Nigeria as one of the fastest growing Economy in the world with Over $50 billion in External reserves ,(Real) strong bank courtesy of CBN reforms)

Corruption 60%
The score would have been much higher due to the whistle blower successes and high profile arrests and trials but for the following
1. Turning a blind eye to corrupt APC stalwarts
2. Constituting himself into accuser, judge and "God"
3. Disobedience and complete disregard for the judiciary and court orders 

This three and many more has enmeshed Buharis corruption crusade into the mud and transformed it into a drive to eliminate competition, this was not helped by the actions of Babachir the grass cutter and his above the law chief of staff.

PMB 60% GEJ 49%

Education 15%
The illegal dissolution of The governing council of universities and the replacement of performing vice chancellors and competent workers with lackeys and relatives has characterized education in the last two years.

The dip in the efficiency of JAMB, the cancellation of presidential scholarships as well as the plight of many Nigerian's on nationally funded scholarship including the closures of higher institutions already set up by GEJ did not help Buhari cause here.

PMB 45%. GEJ 80%

GEJ s score was due to (The establishment of Federal universities in all states without one , the introduction of the Almajiri school system, the almost seamless flow and stability in universities ,Graduate and PG scholarship
Schemes, unity schools rehabilitation among others )

Press Freedom 4%
I won't be explaining this !!!!!!! The title speaks for itself, not just PMB, a huge slice of the APC including their leaders are allergic to criticism!

Ask Abati !!

PMB 4%. GEJ 95%

Electoral reforms 3%
Elections and INEC under PMB is similar to Iwu's INEC or iwururu as I call him under OBJ, inconclusiveness and mandate robbery under police and army supervision has become the norm.
Edo is case study!

PMB 3%. GEJ 91%

International Relations. 70%
Although most of his trips outside Nigeria has not yielded dividend, Buhari score card on international relations is excellent, his action at ensuring a peaceful transition in the Gambia is commendable, however, his refusal to obey the ECOWAS court is threatening to rubbish this.

PMB 70% GEJ 70%

Final Note.
It is difficult for some many to see things beyond Religion, politics and ethnicity, but it is instructive to note that if Nigeria gets better today we will all be beneficiaries, if things also become worse we will all feel the bite because we all go to thesame market , and the traders will treat us the sameway whether we are partyless , APGA, PDP ,APC, or even KOWA that's why we must at all times tell our leaders the truth and help them take decisions that will help Nigeria achieve true greatness.

Overall the Buhari administration has recorded some highs but with many lows especially in critical sectors. nevertheless for the country to achieve any meaningful development we must rise above sectarian divisions, promote objectivity and patriotism and in the end Nigeria will be a better place for us and our children .

Finally I wish President Buhari a quick recovery and safe return home.

God bless Nigeria & Happy Democracy Day 2017
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