Music artiste, 2shotz ( William Orioha) has once told the story of how he met his pretty wife, Precious Echeofu. He said he met his wife on twitter while she said she had no idea he was a celebrity .
The couple who got married in April 2013 and one year later, they are still gushing over each other like new lovers. The love between this two seems to be endless. While some people think they are behaving like that because they are still young in their marriage and have not started facing challenges. Precious took her time to show the world how much she is so proud of him.
She wrote a long note of how she loves him, stating he still behaves as if they just met. Meanwhile she said there was nothing interesting about marriage. Here is what she wrote below;
"There is nothing interesting about marriage...this statement i agree with completely...Ask me why? Few weeks ago marked our 1year. anniversary and all the while it felt like we were still fact I was and still am dating my husband because each new day comes with different things to learn about him...the only thing special about marriage is the fact that its no longer called "fornication" in my opinion..
he still flirts with me the same way he did wen we first met, he still woos me like his trying to get me when he already has me, in a room full of people he still makes advances/passes at me, let me not even talk about his sugar-coated mouth...when he starts calling me those sweet names in ibo like gosh my knees wobble my heart melts and it feels like dozens of butterflies swirling in ma tommy...
we have so much fun together, his the ying to ma yang...and I'm the belt to his trousers (in his words lol)..I asked God for a life partner and he sent me This man.....this man right here is just everything and more to me...he is my backbone, my better-half, my knight in shining armor, my confidante, my lover, my boyfriend, my brother, my best friend...I could go on and on but God knows how much I Love him....words are just not enough...i have never met a more selfless person...always puts me first in only prayer is that God in his infinite mercy blesses u beyond measure...its being a great year baby and I pray for forever with you"
she said.
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