Oron is agog as Christopher Esin, BOT chairman PMAN, ex-chairman PMAN governors forum in Nigeria, former member council for arts and culture, member human rights committee of Nigeria, Speaker AKS Entertainer's parliament and nominee for the peace ambassador, commences campaigns to become the next House of Reps member, Oron federal constituency on the platform of Accord party.
In this chat with selected media men, Esin popularly known as Mista Xto who holds a degree in peace and conflict resolution with a Master’s degree in view, spoke on a variety of issues, including dumping PDP and why he is the best choice for Oro nation come 2015.
Sir you have been a bit out of circulation, any reason for that?
Xto: (laughs) You have been looking for me at the wrong places, i think now i have circulated even more in the places I should.
Obviously you are conspicuously absent at the PDP rallies and your absence is deeply felt considering your role in leading entertainers to past campaigns
Xto: Well, God does not create a new ground to put a man, I had to leave for others to rise, i think i am not missed because most of the guys who are there are boys who grew up and learnt well from me. I have confidence in them and I am sure they are doing well. I have to answer a higher call to serve and so I moved on to stand the election into the federal house.
How has your boss the Governor reacted to that decision as you are not running on the PDP platform?
Xto: My boss is a good man and will not wish that I don't grow, as the PDP couldn't give two people the ticket to run for the same office, he understands that I have the right to take a decision and I am sure he respects that.

But don't they see you as not being loyal?
XTo: A man has to love his God, his family and his land. Loyalty and patriotism may conflict at some point but patriotism may be a call from God and a demand from the land and family going by the circumstance at the moment, so faith in God helps a man make a decision to be patriotic.
Dan brown wrote in inferno that the darkest places in hell are reserved for men who chose to be neutral in the face of a moral crisis, and the moral crisis in Oro nation places a demand on true patriots to take a stand.
Is it because an Oro man is not going to be Governor?
Xto: far from that, it is because Oro must have quality and credible representation at that level and also because the grievances of Oro nation is going to blind them into causing a great injustices to the udung uko people of Oro.
How do you mean sir?
Xto: Oro nation was at the centre to demand for a Governor of Oro extraction on the moral justification of the fact that it should be rotated on ethnic line, since Oro has never produced a Governor, whereas Udung Uko has never produced a federal house member. whatever would justify Oro to demand for Governor on the basis of rotation should also make Okobo relinquish the federal house to rotate to Udung Uko that has never produced one after Okobo has done its complete round of eight years, so if might is right and okobo stays in the race for that reason then Oro has no justification to its grievances; but if the centre was unfair to Oro then Oro should tow the line of justice to its own devoid of any sentiment.
But the federal house member will speak for the whole Oro nation irrespective of which local government the representative comes from, so why is udung uko particular that it should be them?
Xto: That goes for the Governor too, as an akwa ibom Governor must serve the entire state so why were we particular that it should be Oro turn? On the other hand, Udung Uko has relinquished the state house to Oron as they are a two local government state constituency, now that's decency on our part, but then udung uko is empty there, and in the next eight years, if PDP or APC wins the federal house, udung uko stays empty. The three senatorial candidates of Oro nation are from oron LGA and Urue-offong, Udung Uko is empty there, and of course there's no Udung Uko man for governor, it is not right that udung uko should not have a voice in the state for four years and after four years Urue-offong will be justified to run on the basis that okobo has scuttled our primordial understanding. By then it will be even more difficult for udung uko to produce a federal house member, so this is the time for us to stop the injustice that's brewing.
Are you in the race because you are from Udung Uko?
Xto: I am in the race because I am an Oro man from Udung Uko first, and because I am most qualified and credible and because I am honest and patriotic. The danger of okobo running the federal house election is a spec of fire that can snowball into genocide, it threatens our fragile peace as a people and cannot be morally justified by a people seeking justice in their land, now there are three contenders for that office and so Oro will put everyone on a moral scale and pick the best with the right weight with credibility and patriotism as well as justice as the criteria for adoption of any candidate.
You are the accord party candidate, what are your chances against the ruling party PDP and the Oro preferred party the APC?
Xto: Oro has not collectively picked the APC over any other party, Oro has its sons and daughters in every political party and every party has its saints and sinners. Oro will pick the best of its children on any platform. A man who is forced to do a thing against his will gives his consent still. That is why the three political parties have created platforms for Oro to make credible choices and it will be better for us all as a people considering that ACCORD party will be seen to be the party that has the most credible candidates.
why do you think you are better than the rest for the office?
Xto: I have come from the background of professional excellence. I am the symbol of success that the next generation of oro youths crave. I am most accessible, I am easy to deal with, I am most articulate, I am without any political enemy and so reconnecting Oro with the eventual ruling power will be easier. And the grace of God is sufficiently rested with me, I have a background in unionism, I have negotiated all my life and will negotiate better for oro, and I am the only person who goes for service to oro without seeing the office as settlement to enrich myself. Oro is divided on party lines and I am the best material with the acceptability to bring everybody back into the next administration, the access that my people will have will make me hear their needs first hand and address that within the powers of my office to bring succor to them. Oro has suffered neglect as a result of a disconnect between the powers that be and the people representing oro, that reconnect is the first responsibility that my mandate bestows upon me and when that is properly addressed, prosperity will come to the people, without that, all other promises will be two tedious to achieve.
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