RELATIONSHIP: 19 Things You Need To Know As A Youth

1. Trust your instincts, honestly it never lies: The truth is in there somewhere deep down, don’t make excuses for situations or the way people treat you. If people show you who they are, believe them.

2. Be Kind: Everybody has battles and demons they are fighting.

3. Worry less about what other people think of you: People will form an opinion regardless. Just focus on carrying yourself well and being the best you.

4. Be patient with yourself: Don’t be too busy trying to rush life that you end up making crucial mistakes. Slow and steady wins the race. Life is a marathon and not a sprint.

5. Your ego is your worst enemy: Honestly life is so much smoother if you can let go of pride.

6. Choose your words and your battles carefully: Not everything is worth fighting over.

7. Take Risks: Nothing worth having comes easy.

8. No man is an island, don’t feel too big to ask for help and advice: “We”, is better than “Me”. Nobody gets to the top alone.

9. Nobody owes you anything: Nothing is guaranteed to be handed to you. Play hard. Work hard.

10. Don’t take things personal: Other peoples attitude is a reflection of them and not you, if its negative don’t let it demoralise you. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

11. Live Now: you can get away with more things when you’re single, unattached, there really is less responsibilities.

12.The way a man treats someone he wants to mess with, and the way he treats girlfriend (Potential wife) material are very different. The signs are there…watch out for them and don’t make excuses.

13. If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay.

14. Everything is by the grace of God. Be prayerful.

15. There is no such thing as “Luck” – the harder you work, the more success comes your way.

16. Travel if you can. There will come a time when you wish you had.

17. The good men and women are more attracted to your confidence and personality than they are to what you look like or what you can offer them – Those are the ones to focus more of your time and energy on.

18. Someone will break your heart. You will cry and cry and cry. But you’ll get over it! You will put your heart out there again, be more careful and prayerful this time, and you will love again.

19. To truly love someone, you will know and accept they can’t be perfect, and you will overlook a multitude of their sins knowing full well you’re not perfect either.

Culled from: 20 Things I Wish I'd Known When I Was 20 by Liz Awoliyi
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