There have been a lot of stories, regarding the outcome of the inauguration of the sixth assembly.
A certain version claimed that, the aspiration of Barr. Ime Bassey Okon, Member of the Parliament representing Ibiono Ibom State Constituency, was solely sponsored by the Immediate past governor of the state, Mr. Godswill Akpabio.

Another variety of the grapevine fingered the Executive Governor of the state, Deacon Udom Gabriel Emmanuel, of financially and morally masterminding the aspiration of another contender, while the other school of thought attributed the immediate past State Chairman of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP), Mr. Uwem Ita Etuk, of using his political goodwill to ensure that, his close ally, Rt. Hon. Aniekan Uko spearheads the leadership of the law making arm of government, having foreseen a stiff, stalemated and highly controversial battle between the duo- Rt. Hon. Onofiok Luke and Rt. Hon. Ime Okon.
In some quarters, it is said that, the wife of the Ex-Governor of the state, Mrs. Unoma Akpabio, had wanted to foist the parliamentarian representing Okobo State Constituency, Mrs. Felicia Bassey, as the Deputy Speaker, of the sixth assembly, but the Pro-Udom legislators, numbering about 19, scattered the former first lady’s gimmicks, at the eleventh hour, and elected her Oron State Constituency’s counterpart as the Deputy Speaker of the sixth assembly.
Observers observe that, the inauguration which was scheduled for ten in the morning was re-shifted to four in the evening and later 8PM, under ‘Close door’, as several guests within the premises were barred from entering the hallow chamber.

Pundits viewed that, as at four PM, when the 19 legislatures, led by Rt. Hon. Onofiok Luke marched into the hallow chamber, legislative maze and the clerk of the House of Assembly were ‘kidnapped’, hence, hindered the unfolding of their purported gambit.

It will be deducted from this speculation, that, if the powers-that-be initial plans had succeeded, erstwhile governor, Godswill Akpabio, would have produced the speaker, while, his wife, Unoma would have handpicked the Deputy Speaker.

The content of the hearsay emphasized that, Governor Udom’s reason for choosing his choice of speaker, was to ensure that, the speakership will use the legislative powers to halt and sometimes stop all nominees, for appointment as commissioners, sent in from the ex-governor. And also summon erstwhile commissioners and contractors handling various projects during Akpabio’s led eight years in office, especially contractors that handled Ibom Tropicana, 21st anniversary, the Nest of Champion and Government Lodge to account for alleged inflated cash. Defaulters were to be probed and thereafter sent to EFCC, for further interrogation and incarceration.
Contrary to Udom’s purported game plan, Akpabio’s involvement, according to the Bar gist was to force his anointed speaker to approve all his nominees for appointment as commissioners and also to cover-up all the errors he had committed in his eight years led administration.
How true are these allegations, is still the question lingering in the minds of Akwa Ibomites at home and in diaspora!

A critical assessment of the speakership tussle shows that, the leader of the party in the state, Deacon Udom Gabriel Emmanuel, refused to address the MP’s prior to the inauguration, as it is usually the custom. I tend to wonder, if that was a mistake or deliberate act. But what could have made the governor to commit such blunder?

Rt. Hon. Ime Bassey Okon, in his wisdom had claimed that, Udom was on an official assignment in Abuja; few legislators that confided in me disclosed that, it was ploy to ensure that, the collective will of the twenty six legislators prevail instead of imposing anybody on them. If the statement by the confided MP’s is factual, it means that, the governor has no skeleton in his cupboard, thus, gain my respect, at least for the first time.

Judging from the factional status of the lawmakers before the inauguration, Rt. Hon. Onofiok Luke’s led group, (Which is now globally known as O-19) had 19 members, while Rt. Hon. Ime Okon’s group (alias Team I-7) had paltry seven members. It was glaring that, Legislature O-19 would have won Team I-7, if sub consideration based on Federal Constituency and legislative experience devoid of ranking membership were not considered paramount.
Other legislatures have confidentially accepted that, there were factions, preceding the election, however, the alleged leader of Team I-7, Barr. Ime Okon, in a media briefing, tried to euphemize, the words ‘Faction’, by insisting that, instead of faction, it should be seen as ‘grouping’. Surprisingly, he refused to tell the press, who grouped the legislators (Whether it was Akpabio’s empire or Udom’s cubicle), the leader of each grouping, as well as when each group will be disbanded, so that, the hallow chambers can commence Executive and plenary sessions.

He only described the grouping as being Pro Onofiok Luke, Pro Ime Okon and Pro First Timer, which by extension means that, there were three grouping, if I am to borrow his word.
Okon also admitted that, the ex and the present governor, didn’t play partisan role, in the election of the speaker of the sixth assembly, but reasoned that, as humans, they may have had their preferences. But could these preferences led to the grouping? This is a question; I forget to have asked the cerebral lawmaker.
Judging from the Ibiono Ibom Legislature’s testimony, a layman, may believe that, there were controversies surrounding the speakership, because, there can never be such unwarranted grouping, if there is no misunderstanding, disagreement and interest conflict. Whichever ways, the issue of speakership is a long forgotten tussle; Rt. Hon. Aniekan Uko has resumed duty as the speaker of the sixth assembly. Thus, my concern is not on who is the speaker, but on who will disband the ‘grouping’ and stabilize the hallow chamber.
While seated at the galleria on that fateful day, I weighed, visualized the composition of the sixth assembly, and ended up agreeing that, indeed, it is a youthful induced assembly! With conglomeration of ‘agile men’ ‘former youth this and former youth that’, a former police woman and a Prophetess turn politician.

Brethren, you will agree with me, that, a law making arm of government, which has aliases such as Poison, Iraq, Indomitable, Murray, Pallmall etcetera is not an ordinary assembly. A lithe guest, joking admitted that, such kind youthful embedded assembly, may one day, smoke cigarette, wrap ‘Igbo’ or drink alcoholic drink in the hallow chamber during plenary.
I watched as two legislators, (I don’t want to mention their names, until I have grown up children) shocked hands with each other, in an uncommon style inside the chamber. Let me attempt to explain how the handshaking went on, hmmm… They simultaneously drew their fingers from before-elbow-part-of-the-hand of each other hand, slopped down to the palms, and suddenly fiddled with each other’s palm, like Egyptian magician.

A keen observer, who knows better than me, described the handshaking as ‘Clawing’, maintaining that, it is a clandestine-kind-of-greeting. And I queried, why they had to bring the handshake to the open if it is truly a clandestine shaking technique, or would the likes of Sir Udo Kierian Akpan, Elder Friday Iwok, Mr. Nse Ntuen, Mr. Gabriel Toby, Hon. Ime Bassey Okon, and even the speaker, Rt. Hon. Aniekan Uko be able to master and know this kind of shaking?

Anyway, I pray, such handshaking should not be embedded in the house rules and order, or serve as a method of moving motion, because, I am very sure, the former deputy speaker, Sir. Udo Kierian will be incompetent as he will not be able to cope. Mehn! You just need to see this described style of greeting! Anywhere I will expatiate more on this, when I relocate to Oregon, and stay with our elder statesman, Ikpafak Essien Thompson.
Truth is, with such caliber of youthful assemblage legislators, there must be an elderly person, or more experienced person, who will curb their excesses, advise them appropriately and provide solutions to legislative threatening issues when necessary, else there will be a replica of the incident that occurred at River State House of assembly, where many legislators was severely injured, and one of them was reported to have yelled DIE IT, while causing mayhem on fellow colleague. I am still researching to know if DIE IT has been morphed into clandestine slang, or it is still part of English vocabulary.

During the fifth assembly, it was said that, Rt. Hon. Okpolupm Ikpong Etteh, who was more experienced, Barr. Ekong Sampson, Sir Udo Kierian were some of the vessels, used by God, to stabilize the fifth assembly. Suffice to add that, I am not neglecting efforts made by the traditional council of the then assembly, ably led by Hon. Charlie Oton to stabilize the house.
Fortunately, Sir Udo Kierian Akpan, is also in the sixth assembly, thus, I am optimistic that, the assembly will stabilize properly, very soon.
I have never had any interface with him, and I won’t ever have. However, from a distance, I have decided to liken Sir. Udo Kierian Akpan, as water.
Yes! I have observed that he performs the role of water, wherever he finds himself. He quenches taste, subdues flame, nourishes the body and also serves as nutrient to unproductive and dead cells. Maybe I should expatiate a little, before his lawyer, files a writ of summon, claiming damages for describing his client as inanimate object.         
During the Just concluded administration, the State leadership of Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), in several fora had some labour induced misunderstanding with the state government. Majority of these protests were so severe, such that, the then special adviser to the governor on labour, the erstwhile head of civil service, as well as chairman and members of labour committee of the assembly, couldn’t proffer solution to them, but Sir. Udo Kierian Akpan usually served as a breach across the divide.
I could recall at the last instance, where the labour groups were on the verge of embarking on a peaceful protest, which would have served as a boost to opposition party then.

That fateful morning, preparations were in top gear, Placards were prepared, protest songs rehearsed, vehicles lined up, but Kierian weighed in and proffer lasting solution to the amazement of everybody. How he managed to curbed the nagging and agitated labour forces is still a mystery in the Solidarity House.
I guess his interference later culminated into the building of Labour rain school and re-cemented the cordial relationship that now exist between the leadership of the labour and the Executive Governor of the state.
It is through Udo’s gesture that, a once aggrieved labour union, later officially endorsed government candidate. I know, Udom Gabriel Emmanuel, like a sea, will someday, forget the role, this knight played towards his emergence as the governor…The sea forgets easily.
A critic may think that, it was because, he was a one-time labour leader, and I wish to also refer the same critic to Elder Friday Iwok, who was also a labour leader, but couldn’t pull the string.
As a person, I have noticed that, peacemaking ability is embedded in the heart of the former deputy speaker. Sometimes, he consciously makes peace, even to his worst enemy.

It was said that, he piloted the affairs of the fifth assembly, especially, when his boss, Elder Sam Ikon, became the chairman of Speakers’ Forum, and was one-leg-in-one-leg-out of the assembly. You will agree with me that, through his assistant as the deputy speaker, Ikon, served his four years tenure in office- a feat that is so rare in parliamentarian business.
Even Critics, Blackmailers and Propagandists have in several fora affirmed that, Kierian is peace loving, accommodating and charismatic. If these attributes are true of him, then they are added advantage.
I only perceive him as a man whose loyalty to his past and present boss is always sacrosanct. It will be recalled that when he was the chairman of NLC during Attah’s led dispensation, he demonstrated this feature to Attah, during his days as special adviser to Mr. Godswill Akpabio, he transferred same loyalty to Akpabio, today, and he has already transferred this same attribute to Deacon Udom Gabriel Emmanuel.

It is pertinent to add that, he is not a double mouthed politician, I am yet to hear Kierian tarnish Obong Attah’s image, as was done by that, Uruan ‘big voiced’ fellow and other beneficiaries of the second civilian governor. Frankly speaking, he doesn’t blackmail, if he does, I would have exposed him to the public.
As it stance, Mr. Udo Kierian Akpan serves as a stabilizing force of the sixth assembly. But for me alone, I would have pleaded that, he leads the party in the sixth assembly, but the PDP may have their reservation.
Via his peacemaking antecedence, I see him, as the only legislator who will disband the various groups formed during the inauguration process, and foster peace between members of the parliament.
In time past, this same man interfered, between the Nigeria labour congress, which has more than 100 sub-units and the state government on several occasions, so what will stop him from settling disputes between only twenty six members of the parliament?

He had helped in calming the nerves of members of the fifth assembly when heated argument arose, especially, when the speaker was alleged to have been impeached.
In 2007, a Deputy Speaker, from his constituency was nearly impeached, but such cannot be said of Udo Kierian who served diligently, throughout his four years term, without stepping on toes of anybody. I think, such act could be termed as integrity in leadership. Isn’t it? 
Devoid of any iota of doubt, I am sure, he will do it, he has done it before, he will delve into the grouping status of the legislators, from Thusday, 18th June, when the assembly will resume plenary, and proffer lasting solution to the factions as well as create synergy between the legislature and the Executive arms of Government.

I at this juncture raises a motion, commissioning, Rt. Hon. Udo Kierian Akpan, to please rise up, and disband the purported grouping, allocate better tidings to the leader of each group, and if possible, learn how to ‘Claw’ like those two legislatures.
I so move! … Any Seconder?

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