Examination malpractice aka Expo have been and will always be,
this is the stark reality and we must accept it,
After finishing my exams for the just concluded semester i have decided to write on all the paterns of irregularity i observed and heard as a student.
1 Girrafing:
this method is the oldest,it starts from the nursery school for most people,nobody teaches you this,it is an instinct born with everyone.
2 The sign method:
this one works best in objective exams,and when the slightest talking sound is not allowed plus the distance between students is wide.
3 The betslip(bomb or bullet) method:
how long makes it a betslip,how small makes it a bullet.how big makes it a bomb,people who do this method are maniacs,from distorted writting and sign language to abbreviations,this thin long piece of paper can give you an A,it is usually folded into something smaller,but it contains the summary of a full course.
4 The formation method:
just like the game of soccer,this is one of my favourite,you are about to enter the hall,only to hear a group of students be saying,guy na 4:4:2 o,2:1:2 etc it all depends on how many they are and the suppliers,this method favours every other method,because there will be to and fro sharing of the common knowledge between a group of friends seated withing an area.
5 The tatoo:
Engineering and science students does this method most,its my favourite ,imagine an equation or formular that contains alpha,beta,gamma,integral,lamba,pie,exponential,roots, with lots of brackets,-,+,/,*, signs and other parameters,when there is much to read,you can not but give yourself a little helping,the guys only tatoo place is their palms,while the ladies is their palms and laps,ladies who attend lectures on trousers and come to exam. with gowns and skirts are suspects.
6 The photographers:
i will never try this one,the risk of being caught is maximum,people who does this are very good with AOC(area of concentration) but are too lazy to cram or copy it to a piece of paper,so they they just snap them with their phones,thank God for big screens and quality cameras,they are always devastated if mobile phones were not allowed.
7 Extra sheet people:
this one's have sold their souls to the devil and are mostly extra year or carryover students that do this,they don't care about being caught,but are mostly never caught,this people,guys especially will summarise a full course into an answer booklet and carry into the hall,and will boldly drop it on their desk and copy,even the invigilators and supervisors will take it for extra sheet especially when they are of the same color.
8 Answer sharers and resharers:
the sharers are the original source,be it from their head or betslip,resharers gives it to others as if they were the original source,this people can send a piece of paper from the front chair to the last chair,and anyone it passes through takes their share of a needed solution.
9 Antennas and receivers:
the shy,unsocial,rude,proud,scared,weak hearted and forgive me,the spiritual brothers and sisters fall into this category,their ears can pick the slightest signal of whisper,can decode signs meant for another person,and their eyes can zoom any answer booklet meters away,undermining the writting,they favour this pattern so that people will not think otherwise about them or be caught.
10 Thieves:
i give it up for these one's,did this once in an igbo exam in my year one,they will seize your betslip and decode it,hold your hand by force to look at your tatoo,exchange your question paper with theirs if anything is written or marked in yours without your consent,give them a piece of paper to transfer and they must finish using it before moving it to the person its meant for,open up your your booklet to locate what they want,they are usually desperate and are ready to implicate you if you dare protest,mostly extra year and carryover students does this.
which of the above have done or is your favourite
Disclaimer:in no way am i encouraging exam. malpractice,do any at your own peril!!!
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