Want better (and more) sex in 2015? Of course you do.
While other people are making dull and predicable New Year’s resolutions to lose weight, get a new job and take up a new hobby, why not make some resolutions with your partner?
Sex is healthy, helps you relax before that big interview and is fun, so it practically is all your New Year’s resolutions rolled into one anyway.
Here’s some New Year’s sex resolutions to consider – the resolutions you may actually want to stick to.
1. Get to know your own body
How can your partner please you if you don’t know how to please yourself?
Some people, and I’m looking at you, ladies, still have hang ups about vibrators and solo sex.
Nobody’s watching, you know (well not at this stage, anyway).
Start off with a bath, a rude book and a non-scary-looking vibrator – some of them look like pebbles these days.
2. Leave technology out of the bedroom
Put your phones, iPads and computers in another room so your bedroom is simply for relaxation, sleep and sex.
This can help you switch off from work and focus on intimate time with your partner.
3. Put sex on the agenda
While it may not sound hugely romantic to mark ‘sex days’ on the calendar this can be a good way of remembering to make time for one another, especially if you’re both snowed under with work / social engagements / the kids.
4. Dress up for your partner
Remember when you started going out and you’d spend ages getting ready beforehand?
It’s lovely you’ve got to that place where you can lounge around together but, admit it, we’re all a bit shallow.
Once a week, do whatever it takes to get that first date feeling – go to the gym, wax your legs, put on your heels, pick out your best shirt – whatever you’d do if you were off to impress the man/woman of your dreams.
Because you are, aren’t you?
5. Have sex every day
Not for everyone (and possibly not enough for others).
Still, if you’re a challenge-driven couple this could be fun.
6. Abstain
Alternatively, if you’re the kind of couple who can’t keep your hands off each other, turn up the heat further by imposing a ban on anything other than kissing for at least two weeks.
This does involve lots of kissing though – the aim being to keep up momentum without sex then tear each other’s clothes off at the end of it.
7. Invest in sex
Visit a sex shop or just look online with your partner once a month to hunt out new things to try.
You don’t have to spend much and sometimes just looking can spark inspiration.
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